Excel Loading Arm Component Insulation

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Client Name: Excel Loading Systems

Industry: Manufacturing

Location: Cincinnati, Ohio

Project Type: Loading Arm Insulation

Featured Project – Dragon Jacket Insulates Dynamic Loading Arm Components to Reduce Down-Time Caused By Freezing

Project Scope:

  • Three Separate Projects
  • 10+ Individual Insulation Kits
  • Parts Created Using 3D CAD Modeling
  • Insulation Kits Needed to Account for Moving Parts in Arms’ Swivel Componentry

Project Results:

  • Completed On-Time & Within Budget
  • Liquids No Longer Freeze During Transport
  • Downtime Related to Freeze-Up’s Reduced Significantly
  • Insulation is Low Maintenance and Requires No Special Care Under Normal Operations

Excel Loading Systems manufacturers loading arms for the safe and efficient transfer of liquids and gasses to trucks, railcars and totes. For clients operating in extreme weather, Excel needed to be able to provide a complete insulation solution for their arms that has an R-value capable of keeping liquids from freezing during transport and loading/offloading. Due to the loading arms’ complex design and moving parts, the insulation had to be fully customizable, flexible enough to allow for movement, and durable enough to withstand harsh operational conditions.

Dragon Jacket started with basic insulation components including elbows, bearing covers and straights and customized them using 3D CAD software and client-provided loading arm models for a precise and accurate fit. As the only insulation manufacturer capable of creating insulation for the bearings within the swivel componentry on the loading arm systems, Dragon Jacket delivered a solution unavailable with any other insulation type. It was the first project where Dragon Jacket had to factor moving parts into the overall design, and the result is a worry-free, fully competent insulation solution that keeps liquids from freezing and will last for years without any special handling from the end user.

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“The fit-up went really well. Our customers seem to like the product – I know that we do.” -Tom Buddle, Excel Loading Systems