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The Problem Isn’t Moisture…The Problem Is Insulation Failure.

If your pipeline or tanks are located where moisture or condensation exists, you need moisture-proof insulation. Plain and simple.

Albert Einstein is famously quoted as saying, “The definition of madness is to do the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result.” For lack of a better option, for years, facility operators were forced to install fiberglass insulation in moisture-rich environments. The repeated frustration upon the insulation’s inevitable failure has likely driven more than a few of them crazy.

Fiberglass insulation is delicate and porous, and it holds moisture on pipes, leading to damaging CUI, lowered efficiency, compromised product, and, at worst, dangerous system-wide breakdowns. The seams on the protective aluminum cladding used to keep the insulation in place and protect it from being ripped or damaged are entry points for moisture. Once the moisture is in, it ruins the fiberglass and creates an environment where thermal stability is lost and corrosion can flourish.

Unfortunately, for a long time, this was the only game in town, and because of this – despite its track record – it is still one of the most commonly used insulation types in moisture-rich environments. But these days, with better options out there, there is no reason your operations should suffer due to an insufficient product.

Dragon Jacket Prevents Moisture-Related Insulation Failure

98% of insulation failures are moisture-related, and these failures can lead to operational inefficiency and pose serious risks to people and the environment. Our top priority was to make a product that could perform in environments where exposure to water and/or chemicals are unavoidable.

We Built a Better Mousetrap…


In certain environments, moisture in the form of rain, snow, ice, sleet, fog, and condensation is an operational fact. It’s going to happen, and there isn’t anything anyone can do about it. So, if you can’t solve for moisture, you need to solve for moisture-caused insulation failure, and that’s what we’ve done.

North Dakota Oilfield Insulated Wellhead


Dragon Jacket Insulation will not absorb oil or other fluids, and our patented system will not compromise the integrity of carbon- or stainless-steel systems. Dragon Jacket’s insulating foam core is protected by a 100% water-, oil-, and chemical-proof polyurea coating. This complete, built-in encapsulation makes it a true one-and-done solution, which is important, because it eliminates the entry point for moisture to seep in and compromise the longevity or performance of the insulation. The result? A product that truly protects your operation in all types of weather and from all but the harshest chemicals.

Dragon Jacket Chemical Compatability Chart

Dragon Jacket Chemical Compatibility Chart


Power wash it. Walk on it. Expose it to wind, vibration, ice, rain, and snow. Remove and reinstall it. Dragon Jacket is durable, reusable, and designed to protect pipelines, tanks, valves, and fittings for twenty years or longer. Plus, our insulation requires no special care under normal operating conditions, making it an investment that delivers ROI for decades through reduced maintenance, improved energy efficiency, and product integrity.


Dragon Jacket won’t fail due to moisture, but perhaps more importantly, it also insulates really well, which is, after all, the point. The thermal stability of other insulation options can degrade over time, making for an incremental loss of efficiency that can be difficult to notice until energy costs become exorbitant. Dragon Jacket delivers a consistent thermal stability rate throughout the product’s life (and we’re talking 20+ years).

Heat Transfer Comparison Images

Meanwhile, heat loss on pipelines and tanks is a process inefficiency that results in significant wasted energy and considerable costs to businesses. Our house studies have proven that Dragon Jacket can reduce annual heat loss by more than half compared to Fiberglas.

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Dragon Jacket Does It Differently – And the Results Speak for Themselves


From bridge-spanning water and sewer mains to oil field wellheads, to complex natural gas pipelines and food production operations, Dragon Jacket is helping industries throughout the United States improve efficiency, enhance safety and maintain system integrity. Trusted by major utilities including SoCal Gas, major brands like PepsiCo, and OEM’s like Excel Loading Systems, Dragon Jacket Insulation is a proven asset in harsh conditions.

Dragon Jacket protects more than just your pipelines, tanks, valves, and fittings, it also protects your people from CUI-related hazards, your profits from system failures and insulation replacement, and your product from degrading thermal stability and heat loss.

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